Arrow S02E10

Blast Radius

How can I put this...? It was boring. Especially in the end when Thea finally gets a glimpse at her bf's new abilities, it reminded me the Twilight scene after the almost car accident. Roy, dear Roy for how much longer will you be avoiding Thea and the truth? Also, Olie, seriously man, get over yourself finally.  But let's take it from the beginning.
This episode's evil was a semi-crazy bomberman running around hating the government. To me he was just a random dude while the story advances so I won't say much about it. The real evil, Brother Blood, is taking over the city as a future mayor aaaand as a bonus, goes out with Laurel. At least she has good instincts on this one, not trusting him, she searches and reaches a nice truth. I don't know yet where will that lead her, but seems like she'll be needing the Arrow real soon (again).
Anyway Oliver is stressed with this whole thing and he takes it out on Felicity. Epiiiic.

Oooooh yes she did! That was pretty much one of the highlights of this ep. I just love it when people stand up to Oliver and his (lack of) manners. Especially when that someone is Felicity, who is smart and had (or has?) the hots for him, it's just adds to the whole relationship. Like people on twitter and Tumblr say, if Diggles is looking for a career, he would be awesome as a couples therapist. He is playing the middle man in every other episode. Another important thing from this (and previous) episode is Laurel taking pills. Seems  like she is heading towards a very slippery road with that. Seems like she took her father's pills! I can't wait to see how they will cover up for her when this unravels.
In the end we see the Arrow getting an interesting proposition from Blood, to join him. Now that's gonna be fun to watch. Oliver apologises from Felicity and she just waits for Barry to wake up from his coma. Frankly... I too can't wait for him to wake up from his coma!!!!

What did you think of this episode???
Thursday 16 January 2014

The Vampire Diaries (S05E10)

Fifty Shades Of Grayson 

Is Katherine DEAD?!And for crying out loud Elena and Damon break up again?! This time it was his choice and I am pretty sure Caroline will have a blast. On the other hand it's the Vampire Diaries were every cycle is a repeat of the previous on some level. Meaning: Elena-Salvatore love drama, a big bad person trying to kill them, learning something wow about Elena's past, they break up, they kill the bad guy and back to square one.Ok now that the rant part is done let me take this episode from the top. Elena and Damon are held captive but Damon escapes and tries to save her with the help of Stefan and Wes' nephew. Awesome plan Damon... And with Wes putting Enzo in the picture Stefan saves the girl, again.

redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10
redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10

redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10

Again...great plan Damon! Enzo and Damon had a good old brawl, Enzo died from the poison, Damon saved him with the antidote ok. Wait, did anyone else got weirded out with their bromance? I see the internet buzzing with sappy images :p I really don't like that idea.

redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10
redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10

 The only parts that were worthy were when Katherine was involved. Oh her breaking her daughter's heart yet again with her selfishness. Priceless! Not to mention her last minute's heart attack! 

redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10

redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10
redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10

redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10redhead, vampire diaries, fifty shades, Grayson, Enzo, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Salvatore, Katherine, the vampire diaries, S05E10

I am pretty sure she is not gone for good. At least I am hoping because what with the originals gone this season need a serious injection with anti hero matter. What did you think of this mid-season's finale bombs of info?

Friday 13 December 2013

The Originals (S01E09)

Reigning Pain in New Orleans

Did I mention I love Rebekah!? Elijah:"You don't have to worry about them.." People screaming and flying and then Bekah enters the scene. Loooove! So the story so far was bluuuh and then the last episode. Klaus went mental and ruled on the ambush, and me screaming at the screen please don't kill Klaus and then please don't dagger Bekah! Klaus...oh my lovely and so misunderstood hybrid... The Originals would be SO boring without you! I love how forgiving and caring he has become. I really hope Hayle would start to see it but that would be boring, right? Also, our dear Klaus rarely reveals his feelings and he knows his brother likes her...
redhead,redhead rambling, the originals,tv series, originals, Klaus, Davina, Rebekah, Elijah, Hayle, Season 1, episode 9,Reigning Pain in New Orleans,s01e09
The how honest he was with Marcel and Elijah in this episode was a surprising turn. It seems like he really is making an effort in mending relationships. Marcel on the other hand is such a silly boy. He should stick with Bekah and come clean with Klaus about it. Not to mention his dishonesty towards Davina has created a whole lot of mess!
redhead,redhead rambling, the originals,tv series, originals, Klaus, Davina, Rebekah, Elijah, Hayle, Season 1, episode 9,Reigning Pain in New Orleans,s01e09
I really don't like her mendling and juvenile personality!Couldn't she go to Hayle?
 I knew Camille wouldn't leave from the show because of the connection she has developed with Klaus, and I am pretty sure she will be playing a key role from now on. I am just waiting to see from what episode on will she stop hating Klaus and will be with him.(although I am team Klaroline!!!) Elijah wants Hayle.

redhead,redhead rambling, the originals,tv series, originals, Klaus, Davina, Rebekah, Elijah, Hayle, Season 1, episode 9,Reigning Pain in New Orleans,s01e09redhead,redhead rambling, the originals,tv series, originals, Klaus, Davina, Rebekah, Elijah, Hayle, Season 1, episode 9,Reigning Pain in New Orleans,s01e09

That we have known for a while now, what we don't know is if Klaus will let them be happy, or ig that will cause another tear at their relationship. I also want to see what will Rebekah do when (if) they get back to 
their "home". We know she is hurt by Marcel and her brother but, given her history, she still cares a lot for 
them both.
What are your thoughts on the mid-season finale?I can't wait till January 14!
Thursday 5 December 2013

New series reactions.TOO SOON!

There is a rule about these things people!4 episodes before you have a verdict. But why 4 and who the hell came up with that?I mean ok given that some series get few eps on their debut seasons it is understandable. But 4? Well the pilot never counts. Yes that's what the channels see as a first reaction but given that, the pilot is meant to draw you in. Second episode is where you get e better look at the characters, third is where you can form an opinion about the plot and 4 is the yay-or-nay verdict episode. I could tell you there are statistics to back this number but truth is I just heard it from a friend. When I analysed it and checked it for myself I saw it works!I can't keep up with every new series there is out there so I will be checking the titles and summaries (and friend suggestions) that intrigued me enough to sit down for 4 episodes.After that you will have my opinion (it is an opinion I am not a critic and I have no scientific qualification whatsoever).
Will be blogging more from now on.

Wednesday 25 September 2013
Tag : ,

Launch party!!! Samsung Galaxy S4 in Greece!

 Awesomeness in all it's greatness! My overall opinion about this phone is I love it, I want it, I'm in love!

Oh yes. I am a Samsung Mobiler now (yeaeeee)!Here is half the group (I'm the red-head in the middle) on our first presentation of the phone. We got to see first hand all these amazing features!!!

About the launch event...This is the first image someone walking in would see.
 It took place in Acro.

And this is the first image that made my jaw touch the floor.As the geek that I am I was in wonderland of phones and gadgets that evening!

Me playing with the phone <3

All the new features you see in the commercials and don't believe? ALL TRUE! My top favourites:

  •  Air gestures: It's fun to change a page or a pictures same way you would change a real book page but without actually touching anything.
  • S-health: Well, I do exercise and walk a lot but I can't keep a calendar of what I eat or of how much I exercise. Mainly because it's boring and I can't be counting my steps. The phone does though! It even calculates  what I burn through different types of exercises and how many calories I eat etc! It's quite the motivator for a healthier living I'm telling you!
  • Drama Shot: This goes on the top jaw dropping! It is something really really awesoooome!Drama Shot lets you take a series of pictures of any moving subject and puts them together. Your dog jumping up and down? Your baby walking? You friends doing a stunt and falling in their faces? :p
  • WatchON: the troller as I call it. You do realise that we ALWAYS misplace the TV remote. We sit on it mainly or it's lost between the sheets etc. Same goes for the phone most of the times but you can actually call your phone and find it. Now in case you misplaced the remote you can use your galaxy S4 to change the channel! I don't call it troller for that though... If you have siblings that have very strong opinions on what you will be watching (I do) you can use it to change the channel to what YOU like to see (Eat that little brother!).

It's the first time a company has changed and improved so many things from last to next model! But you know what? Don't take my word for it! Go to a store and try it for yourself!
Friday 26 April 2013
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My apps!

If you have Windows 8.1 then take a look at my apps! Ratings and comments welcomed!

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