Thursday, 5 December 2013

Reigning Pain in New Orleans

Did I mention I love Rebekah!? Elijah:"You don't have to worry about them.." People screaming and flying and then Bekah enters the scene. Loooove! So the story so far was bluuuh and then the last episode. Klaus went mental and ruled on the ambush, and me screaming at the screen please don't kill Klaus and then please don't dagger Bekah! Klaus...oh my lovely and so misunderstood hybrid... The Originals would be SO boring without you! I love how forgiving and caring he has become. I really hope Hayle would start to see it but that would be boring, right? Also, our dear Klaus rarely reveals his feelings and he knows his brother likes her...
redhead,redhead rambling, the originals,tv series, originals, Klaus, Davina, Rebekah, Elijah, Hayle, Season 1, episode 9,Reigning Pain in New Orleans,s01e09
The how honest he was with Marcel and Elijah in this episode was a surprising turn. It seems like he really is making an effort in mending relationships. Marcel on the other hand is such a silly boy. He should stick with Bekah and come clean with Klaus about it. Not to mention his dishonesty towards Davina has created a whole lot of mess!
redhead,redhead rambling, the originals,tv series, originals, Klaus, Davina, Rebekah, Elijah, Hayle, Season 1, episode 9,Reigning Pain in New Orleans,s01e09
I really don't like her mendling and juvenile personality!Couldn't she go to Hayle?
 I knew Camille wouldn't leave from the show because of the connection she has developed with Klaus, and I am pretty sure she will be playing a key role from now on. I am just waiting to see from what episode on will she stop hating Klaus and will be with him.(although I am team Klaroline!!!) Elijah wants Hayle.

redhead,redhead rambling, the originals,tv series, originals, Klaus, Davina, Rebekah, Elijah, Hayle, Season 1, episode 9,Reigning Pain in New Orleans,s01e09redhead,redhead rambling, the originals,tv series, originals, Klaus, Davina, Rebekah, Elijah, Hayle, Season 1, episode 9,Reigning Pain in New Orleans,s01e09

That we have known for a while now, what we don't know is if Klaus will let them be happy, or ig that will cause another tear at their relationship. I also want to see what will Rebekah do when (if) they get back to 
their "home". We know she is hurt by Marcel and her brother but, given her history, she still cares a lot for 
them both.
What are your thoughts on the mid-season finale?I can't wait till January 14!

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