Thursday, 16 January 2014

Blast Radius

How can I put this...? It was boring. Especially in the end when Thea finally gets a glimpse at her bf's new abilities, it reminded me the Twilight scene after the almost car accident. Roy, dear Roy for how much longer will you be avoiding Thea and the truth? Also, Olie, seriously man, get over yourself finally.  But let's take it from the beginning.
This episode's evil was a semi-crazy bomberman running around hating the government. To me he was just a random dude while the story advances so I won't say much about it. The real evil, Brother Blood, is taking over the city as a future mayor aaaand as a bonus, goes out with Laurel. At least she has good instincts on this one, not trusting him, she searches and reaches a nice truth. I don't know yet where will that lead her, but seems like she'll be needing the Arrow real soon (again).
Anyway Oliver is stressed with this whole thing and he takes it out on Felicity. Epiiiic.

Oooooh yes she did! That was pretty much one of the highlights of this ep. I just love it when people stand up to Oliver and his (lack of) manners. Especially when that someone is Felicity, who is smart and had (or has?) the hots for him, it's just adds to the whole relationship. Like people on twitter and Tumblr say, if Diggles is looking for a career, he would be awesome as a couples therapist. He is playing the middle man in every other episode. Another important thing from this (and previous) episode is Laurel taking pills. Seems  like she is heading towards a very slippery road with that. Seems like she took her father's pills! I can't wait to see how they will cover up for her when this unravels.
In the end we see the Arrow getting an interesting proposition from Blood, to join him. Now that's gonna be fun to watch. Oliver apologises from Felicity and she just waits for Barry to wake up from his coma. Frankly... I too can't wait for him to wake up from his coma!!!!

What did you think of this episode???

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